Industry Intelligence, First Principles, Commentary, Suggestions
Source: Steve Dittmer | AFF Sentinel Originally published Juned 15, 2023
Seems like nearly every day some legislator, government agency, court or do-gooder activist comes up with a new way to make it more difficult for cattlemen to operate, prosper and pass on the family operation.
Other challenges are ones we’ve fought off and on for years.
It is our job at AFF to alert you to these threats and challenges, reveal hidden or bold agendas and suggest things you can do to fight back.
It is a never-ending task but one we do gladly and enthusiastically, monitoring economic and political developments every day.
Your cattlemen’s groups are essential in fighting and lobbying for you in state and national capitols. But because they deal with legislators face to face, they must be more diplomatic to preserve their standing.
We, on the other hand, do not have to be diplomatic. We can call a spade a spade.
Or, as one affiliate CEO said, “AFF says what we would like to say but can’t!”
Andrew Breitbart said politics follows culture. And our culture has drifted, nay, bolted, far from the principles and culture that made America -- and American agriculture -- the finest in the world.
We need constantly to represent our industry, to remind the country that our Constitution and our free market system is the foundation of our country.
But we need your support to be able to continue the task.
Please consider a contribution -- an investment really -- in the future of our industry and our country by supporting Agribusiness Freedom Foundation.
We even added a new method to make it easier or you can use the old link -- whichever works for you. We cash checks too, sent to Agribusiness Freedom Foundation, P.O. Box 88179, Colorado Springs, CO 80908.
Thanks to all who contributed already, to further the belief in all of us that a better future lies ahead -- if we fight for it.
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